cooking, baking, and a home in the making

Cheesy Potatoes

Cheesy Potatoes

In my last post I shared a Sweet Chicken Wing Recipe that I learned from my mom. These cheesy potatoes usually accompanied those wings. If I ever make one, I usually end up making the other. Once you read the ingredients of these potatoes, you might wonder HOW my mom ever got me to eat them in the first place. The big secret: she became really good at omitting items when I would ask her what was in a recipe. I have to say, thank goodness! I would be really missing out if I had refused these potatoes because I knew there was sour cream and (GASP!) onions in them! After I ate them, she came clean. Now, I make them according to her recipe (without even omitting a single thing). Yes, that is an ONION in the picture!

Cheesy Potato Recipe


2 lbs. frozen shredded hash brown potatoes
8 oz. shredded cheddar cheese
1 lb. sour cream
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1/2 yellow onion (I always use a food processor. You could dice them, but I like them almost shredded like the potatoes)
1 stick melted butter

You just combine all of these ingredients into one big bowl. I always add the butter last.

Cheesy Potatoes

Then, spread the mixture in a 13×9 baking dish and bake for 1 hour at 375-degrees.

Baked Cheese Potatoes

Cheese Potatoes Recipe

If you wanted to make these potatoes along with the wings, you could bake both at the same time at 375, but take the wings out a little earlier (about 50 minutes, check that they are 165-degrees).

Cheese Potato Recipe

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